Angel Numbers Meaning

The value in numbers is infinite beyond quantity—every number holds a vibrational frequency that is conducive with like vibrations. When our higher conscious vibrates at the same frequency it catches synchronicity. Making these connections accentuates and honors energy in alignment; it's a sign that your mind's eye generated visions that the universe is receiving.  

This image is a Coven & Cloche meme of the numbers 111 in a retro orange color on a baby blue background with the single eye emoji colorized bright green.

Angel Numbers 111 Meaning ~ INTUITION
It's likely 111 is the number you see most as it has a very high vibrational frequency that is pure and spiritual. Intuition is signaling something. If there's ever a sign, it's 111, seeing this is an alert that something divine is happening and to look for it and ask yourself where there is a door to walk through. 111 means new beginnings or the start of a pattern or sequence to take note of. 

What should I do if I see 111? As soon as you see 111 take a moment to observe where you are, what you are thinking about, and ask yourself if this is a past pattern or a new idea. Keep an open mind and follow your gut. 


This image is a Coven & Cloche meme of the numbers 222 in bold red, on a neutral sand tone, with the emoji justice scales colorized bright pink.

Angel Numbers 222 Meaning ~ BALANCE.
Even keeled and aligned, the numbers 222 are a reminder of self love. You are exactly where you are meant to be as a direct result of saying yes to yourself. Harmony is reaffirming that you understood the assignment and everything is falling into line. This is a reflection of you doing you, and it is infinite.

What should I do if I see 222? Keep doing you, it's working.  


This is a Coven & Cloche meme showing the numbers 444 in bold mustard ochre color with a bright candy pink background and the emoji feet at the top.

Angel Numbers 444 Meaning ~ FAITH The numbers 444 symbolize to keep going, and without considering how other than to trust in yourself and trust in the universe and the higher consciousness to bring divine openings that will present and position what is meant to be. As long as you keep your intentions in your heart, the universe has your back.  

What should I do if I see 444? Meditate in any way that fits you, promote opening your mind's eye; that place in the other side of your brain where your inner child knew who you would be in the present. Be conscious of what you wish for hold on to what is in your heart, focus on that feeling and deflect any thoughts that are counter or unaligned with what feels authentic to you. 


This is a Coven & Cloche numerology meme that reads 555 boldly in bright bubble gum pink, on a yellow ochre background, with a recolored burnt red-orange butterfly emoji above.

Angel Numbers 555 Meaning ~ TRANSFORMATION.
Seeing the numbers 555 affirms that transition is shifting into being, as like attracts like, each moment is happening in line with your chosen path. In other words, let go of how we even got here and embrace that the future is now. Then repeat. Every you who you choose to be is the version that is right for you and it is everlastingly to be continued when everything is destined to be made up. 

What should I do if I see 555? Go with the flow, embrace change, look for signals that feel the most authentically you, lean into opportunities that indulge your inner essence. 


This image is a Coven & Cloche meme of the numbers 777 in a caramel brown color, with a rich butterscotch colored background, and the emoji mushroom, colorized bright smurf blue.

Angel Numbers 777 Meaning ~  LUCK.
Lucky you if you see the numbers 777, this is symbolic of spiritual growth. If you have been foraging good things they are gaining traction in numbers. More is more, ride the rainbow wave, seeing 777 reminds us to stay weird and believe in unbelievable things.  

What should I do if I see 777? Cultivate luck, you have to be in it to win it. Since like attracts like the best way to keep it flowing is to manifest more. Wishes are freeeeeee, there is nothing to loose. 


This image is a Coven & Cloche meme of the numbers 888 in bright hot pink on a rich deep green background, with the money face emoji colorized neon green.

Angel Numbers 888 Meaning ~  ABUNDANCE.
Blessings come in every form, abundance is a manifestation of gratitude. Sometimes it can even be ironic. The numbers 888 symbolize infinite abundance all around in a cycle that feeds itself more and more when there is more and more appreciation. 

What should I do if I see 888? Pay it forward, attract more positive vibes with the energy you are emitting. Revel in how it feels to have abundant energy and spill that cup all over the place and get hooked on that feeling. 


This image is a Coven & Cloche meme of the numbers 999 in a dusty baby blue color with a soft bubblegum pink background and the peace sign hand emoji colorized bright lavender.

Angel Numbers 999 Meaning ~ REBIRTH.
The numbers 999 are asking you, "what's good and new?" This end is also the beginning. Seeing the numbers 999 can signify a sign of the times, affirming a milestone or a time to let go and walk through new doors.

What should I do if I see 999? Check in with yourself and take a moment to remove anything that is no longer serving you. Embrace newness, air on the side of the upgraded version of your being. Customize your life to your liking, for any areas that are stagnate like spring cleaning or rituals of renewal like a scrub or facial to symbolize shedding the dead to allow for new growth. 
